The Wounded Soldier!!!

Lady 1: Pssssssssssssssst!!!!!! You should hear this. I told you she was pregnant Lady 2: That’s a joke, she can’t be pregnant not her Image courtesy: Lady 1: Usione watu wanasimama kuimba kanisani ukafikiri wameokoka (Do not imagine that all those who sing in church are saved), it’s confirmed and in fact I heard the guy responsible doesn’t even care much ( this may or may not even be true it’s a rumour) Lady 2: Oh no, I would never think she would get pregnant, how could she?Doesn’t she realize the damage she has caused?Many people who look up her to will be misled. Kwanza hata mimi I wasn’t for the idea that she should be youth leader, this is embarrassing to the youth group and the church Lady 1: Ssssshhhh!!!!!!!! Here she comes Lady 2: Let’s pretend we know nothing. "Heyyyyyyyyyyy How are you? How have you been?" Lady 3: Hey Ladies, I am okay the Lord has been faithful. (This statement is very ge...