According to an article written by Brunell and Gold based on research done in Chicago by Oxygen Media Survey, 25% of women would rather win America’s next top model than win a Nobel Prize. 81% of 10 year old are afraid of being fat this is according to National Eating Disorders Association and finally according to Pew Research Center Poll 54% of women would rather be hit by a truck than be fat. I found this statistics interesting but shocking at the same time. You may be wondering why am I sharing with you statistics on American women? I will tell you why. At this age and time, I am convinced now more than ever that Africa is following the footsteps of the Western culture. We are imitating almost everything that the west does. Obesity is becoming a matter of concern in Africa, anorexia and bulimia, these were unheard of in the African Culture but lo and behold! They are creeping into the African culture very fast. The African woman has always been considered a beauty ...