What would you have done differently?

Two women from whom I draw many lessons from Job’s Wife and Lots Wife, Photo Courtesy: https://www.findshepherd.com/extolling-gods-name.html I can imagine what you are thinking right now, yeah! yeah! the woman who turned into salt oh and the other one who advised her husband to abuse God. You are probably telling yourself, “these women were a disgrace to humanity and to womanhood. Job’s wife, was the woman who told her husband why don’t you just curse your God and die. Let us try and put ourselves in her life just for a minute. This woman was one of the women in the society that had a very wealthy life. Her husband was one of the richest men in the land of Uz. Let us say they one of the richest couple’s in the land of Uz. A little is said about her until the point where she tells Job to curse God. But you can imagine, they had probably known no struggle, no pain no illness, they had enjoyed the favour of the Lord for years. They had served God diligently. Then Boom...