Going through a dive?

5 months later, I have something to write about :) 

I coined a new term, 
A spiritual dive 
Maybe you can identify with it maybe not

I define a spiritual dive as that moment in your life when you lose grip spiritually. When you take many steps away from God, when you feel lost and all alone and yet you cant bring yourself to even say a prayer

When you used to wake up early to commune with God but now you mumble a prayer as you run to the matatu, well because you are late, and you have no minutes to spare

When you used to take time to study God's word but now you open your Bible only when you are in church the remaining time you comfort yourself in the name of "I have an e-bible on my phone which I read whenever I am able to." (Well that really never happens)

When you lose a loved one and you get so mad  at God because, how could he let  that happen, where was He when it happened, (these are the moment when all  the verses you have about death and grief mean nothing to you, and even if they do, its end with the theory)

These are the moments when you cant bring yourself to engage in any kind of ministry I mean lets face it, the feeling of insufficiency is literally sucking life off you. So every invitation you get, "Hey dear please join us and share with us during Bible study, The thought of that literally turns your stomach, you prefer to maintain a low profile and just do nothing.

When you go to church and you know you hope that at the end of the service you will be awakened, rejuvenated, made a new, but for some weird reason you dose off through half of the service and you leave as empty as you came

When you decide to fast, then interestingly as soon as you wake up you are more hungry than any other day, you are unable to concentrate, you become irritable you, you barely say a prayer and before you know it the day end #SMH struggles

That moment when you realise that you have all the advise that someone needs, right from the Bible, you have mastered it all, you can say it without referring and yet when you think about it you realise that you haven't had an experience with the living word, you realise that it has been theoretical all this while

Old habits that you had been struggling to overcome suddenly come back with renewed zeal and energy and you struggle much more, and with every fall, the impact of the fall is harder and it drives you further away from God.

These are just but a few points:) 

A few words for you:

Stay at His feet even if all you can afford to say at that moment is: 
God have mercy on me, God please rejuvenate my strength and energy, Lord please grant me victory, Lord please do not give up on me.

There is always a verse that you hold on to when it gets all dark, keep reciting that verse, keep reciting it

There is always a song that draws you near to His feet keep singing that song

Whatever happens do not leave His feet: A place of quiet rest
Be deliberate, be persistent and just do it, act fast
By the way don't procrastinate, and don't stop and one more thing BELIEVE

Keep at it. It will soon be over

One more thing, Keep praying for and checking on your friend and loved ones, check on them, you never know, they could be going through a dive and who knows maybe the only reason why they are still surviving is because of your prayers.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look aT the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal
2nd Cor 2:14-16


  1. Wow wow wow... Nemsi your post touched me. I am out of words. Keep writing. You are awakening a soul out there and giving hope to a hopeless person.

    1. Amen Dearie, Blessings to you. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts

  2. No comment my old friend just making my day be blessed.

  3. I really needed to hear that. Thank you Dorcas and be mightily blessed.

    1. Amen. Thank you for reading Moses, and being patient for the last five months. God's blessings

  4. #Realtalk.Be blessed as you bless others

  5. Such an inspiring article. I've read it and loved the content. God bless you Dorcas.

  6. Huh! Whatever or whoever led me to this place really wanted me to read it all through. This could not have come at a better time. May the Lord bless His work in you.


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