Forbidden fruits taste sweetest
Sin is fun but sin is wrong
Yes it is WRONG
Repentance is a need
An urge created in us by the Holy Spirit

When we sin our hearts are hardened
We become immune
We fail to hearken to the voice of Christ
We ignore the conviction of the Spirit
But remember we need repentance

The devil is a liar, he deceives us
He is sad because he is a loser
But he never gives up. He triples his efforts
So that he can win us to his side
He makes us feel hopeless, worthless and lost
He makes us feel that The Lord will not forgive
But we have Repentance

Repentance require a humble heart
A down to earth, remorseful and contrite heart
The conviction of the Holy Spirit
The voice of Christ in us
And the consciousness of our sinful nature
Balaam repented because of fear,
Judas Iscariot repented because of guilt
Repentance is not all about
Making an outward reformation out of fear
It is more than that

David, a man after God’s own heart
From Him we see what repentance is
‘Create in me a clean heart Oh Lord
And renew a right spirit within me’
This was His prayer, this is repentance
The sorrow for sin and turning away from it

Now we know what repentance is
Beware! Do not procrastinate
If there is a conviction in your heart
Hearken to the voice and don’t ignore it
You do not have much time
Repent now!!!


  1. thank you for this post, when I saw the title first I felt like running away, but the phrase that repentance is a need captured my attention, and I chose to read it, now i feel mostly encouraged that repentance is not some kind of idea forced on us by an imposing God, but His move of compassion to offer a second chance.
    Lord, forgive me my trespasses, have mercy on me, grant me oh Father another chance and guide me that I may not fall out of your abundance of grace.


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