It has been a while since I posted anything here yaani mpaka I feel ni kama the blog has grown old but nevertheless I have an interesting piece here for you today!!!
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How many times do you think of the number of hair on your head I bet rarely... well that makes the two of us. Last evening I came across Matthew 10:30 and it stated "BUT THE VERY HAIRS OF YOUR HEAD ARE ALL NUMBERED." I thought to myself who has all that time to count may hair one by one... Then it occurred to me, My Creator. Then it hit me, if God knows the number of hair on my head what then doesn't He know about me. Many times we are troubled and as we go before the presence of The Lord, we tend to behave like He is a stranger, like He does not know us, like He doesn't know how we feel or what we are going through... Guess what, if He knows the number of hair on your head what doesn't He know.
For now, I will stop right there, as you go through your day Think about it!!!...May The Good Lord reveal Himself to you...
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