Falling in love is one mysterious event that occurs in our lives this is usually followed by a relationship sadly in our generation relationships are not taken seriously because in most cases it’s a trial and error experiment but what happens when you truly love and he doesn’t?  Before you realize it a heart break is what you face. The big question is how do you know that he does not want you anymore?? This is what I found out…
                  In most cases the jamaaz in the relationship suddenly develop a ‘cold’ attitude. He no longer calls you as he used and he is not bothered by what happens to you. For instance your sickness doesn’t seem to move him as much as it used to initially. During this time his tends to be very brief in your conversations… “Masaa ya kujiconnect” suddenly turns out to ‘masaa ya kulala’ and it doesn’t bother him at all. He also fails to respond to your texts with the excuse of being very occupied or busy (yet initially he had all the time in the world for you). Then you will notice that he lies a lot and his statements often contradict and they don’t make sense. One very important thing that you should note is that, he forgets very important dates for example your birthday and sadly he will not even make it up to you and if he does it will be so that you may stop reminding him that he forgot. He also forgets about anniversaries.
                   Whenever you suggest that you guys should meet up (long distance relationship), he always has an excuse. The most obvious one is that he is busy, or he is broke or he will postpone it. If worse comes to worse he will tell you that he will come but later on fail to turn up with more excuses, “am so sorry I was held up somewhere…” If the relationship is over a short distance, you will note that, the guy will begin to avoid you in most occasions; also he will begin to get embarrassed when you are around him and will often prefer being seen with other girls and not you.
                      Sweet names will suddenly fade off in your relationship, you will no longer be ‘sweetheart’ or ‘honey’ or ‘cute pie’ or ‘my love’ (or should I say Te amor), the names will fade of to ‘my dear’ and finally you will have no title. Finally he will no longer be able to say I love you on his own. If you remind him he will quickly say he does, and soon he will not even say it if you remind him. Once in a while he will send you a text to say that and finally, when you ask him if he still loves he’ll ask you “what do you think? Or “are you doubting me” or “kwani, si you know I love you what more do you want to hear?”
                      Take my advice ladies, if the above things start happening in your relationship at the same time, FLEE from that relationship because the guy is probably sending you a message telling you to leave him alone or that he no longer needs you or that you are bothering his life. Before you know it you will receive a text from the guy saying, “It has taken me sometime to say this, I just wanted to let you know that we can only be friends. I don’t think I deserve you but am grateful that I knew you, you will forever be a special person in my life and I hope you find true happiness. You will make a good wife and mother” Out of shock you will try calling and the first time you call he will not pick up the second time you call “atakuwa mteja” The third time you call it will be switched off and when you try calling one week later, the number will be out of service. Think about it; is he worth your heart???

By Dorcas Grace Odhiambo


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