The Life of a Kindergarten teacher.

Does it ever occur to you that you went through nursery school? If it does, how many times do you ever think of your nursery school teacher, the person who taught you how to speak English even if it was broken. I came to realize that these teachers have lots of work to do because the future of these children entirely depends on the effort they put in their work and they have to adapt to their personalities…
Know it all child                                                                                          
               These pupils feel they know everything and they pretend to know even when they don’t. They are the first to answer questions, finish assignments; complete their homework before they go home. They assume lots of things. They even tell the teacher “mwalimu unatufundisha vitu vyenye tunajua”
The teacher has to ensure that these children grow up knowing that they don’t know everything, they have to humble themselves so they can learn more and pay attention.
The Slow Learner                                                                                                                          
               These pupils are very quiet and most times are caught unawares. They were taken to school when they were very young or are naturally slow learners. They take hours to write alphabets and are easily distracted. They never do things on time. They are easily discouraged and can develop a low self-esteem. These pupils have to be treated with lots of care.
 The teacher has to guard their esteem. The teacher has to ensure that these pupils feel appreciated and realize that they are not any different.
The Cry Baby                                                                                        
                They are either the lastborn or the only children. They are brought to school by force and spend half of their day crying “nataka mamaaa.” They are conservatives, don’t play with others, don’t share their properties and talk to specific people. They are spoilt and nobody tells them what to do except their mummies. They can’t wait to go home
The teacher has to learn to be firm on these children so that they can grow out of the cocoon of their mothers and realize that in this life, mum will not always be there.
“I don’t care child”                                                                                                
                 To this child class and play are the same thing. Their handwriting is awful and to them their number 2 and letter S is the same thing. They forget their homework, lunchbox bags and sweaters. They are always in a hurry to play. Some of them spend endless hours telling their friends how rich their parents are.
The teacher has to instill some discipline and make them realize that life is not all about play, that there are other important things to be done and achieved in this life.
The Jealous child                                                                                                              
                  These children are the teacher’s favorite and only children. They love attention. Whenever they see the teacher commending another child they get jealous, whenever they are not given a chance to answer a question or recite a poem they get jealous, whenever their friends don’t play with them they get jealous, jealousy is the order of the day.
 The teacher has to ensure that the child realizes that life is not all about them and that they will not always get an opportunity to do things all the time.
The Humble & Bright child                                                                                                             
                  These are the down to earth pupils, they don’t talk a lot. They are smart, have neat handwriting, and are calm. They get all awards.
The teacher has to encourage them but also ensure that they are not proud because they could be very arrogant.
Let’s learn to appreciate these people in our lives we may think they play a tiny role but the truth is without them some of us would be lost. Thumbs up our teachers God bless you.
By Dorcas Odhiambo


  1. Unfortunately, a majority do not care about teachers including the government.
    wanasubiri to mwalimu afanye kosa then they blow it out of proportion

  2. You have just made me take a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Nursery school teachers are really special.


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