Dearest Last born...

Many times the creation story is one of those life lessons that we first learnt and memorised in Sabbath school. I teach children and that’s one of the first stories that  very young children are taught. But recently I gave this story some very deep thought.

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Do you know of any last born children, maybe you are one. Well when you think of a last born, what comes to your mind? Probably a spoilt child, or maybe an overly pampered child, sometimes a very stubborn and difficult child, sometimes they are very adventurous, are risk takers. Usually all the attention is given to the last child. However not all last born children have the above characteristics stated, this is very general

I thought about the order of children in a home and likened it to the creation story, now this is my other way of interpreting the creation story.
Think about it. Man comes in as the last creation, i.e the last born, but because of man all creations are distressed and pained and even waiting for all this suffering to end

We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time Romans 8:22 NIV

I can imagine on that day as Eve was stretching her hand to pluck the fruits, all the creations were hoping she would not. The last born of the home was about to make a decision that would cost everyone in the home so much pain. The trees were probably saying “NOOOOOOOOO please don’t”, the animals nearby were probably shaking in fear as she reached out for the tree.

For instance, have you ever walked on the streets and seen how calm the trees are, or the animals, or even how sweetly the birds in the trees sing, the calmness of the stars in the night and the moon, I mean it is all calm and composed. For a moment you can easily forget humanity until you realise that you are in a smoke filled environment, smoke from industries from cigarettes, from vehicles all choking the trees, of course choking you too; 

If trees have a language maybe they are telling each other “I really hope our last born leaves his evil ways so that we can  all go back home” The animals around are probably looking at us and saying “ If only our last born would stop and look at how much harm (s)he is causing, maybe things would be  better. The sun is probably thinking, if only the last born would stop inventing so many industries then maybe the ozone layer would not be so thin and maybe my rays would not have to be so strong (You can imagine what the ozone layer is saying.) The fish and water animals are probably thinking to themselves, “If our last born would care for us just a little more than he does, then maybe most of us would still be alive, maybe the water would not be so polluted.”

I mean all creation seems to be saying I can’t wait for that day when our last born will be nice to us.

Adam and Eve had never even seen a leaf decay till they ate that fruit in fact a book called Patriarchs and Prophets says,
As they witnessed in drooping flower and falling leaf the first signs of decay, Adam and his companion mourned more deeply than men now mourn over their dead. The death of the frail, delicate flowers was indeed a cause of sorrow; but when the goodly trees cast off their leaves, the scene brought vividly to mind the stern fact that death is the portion of every living thing.

If at that time the falling and decaying of a leaf cost them so much sorrow how much more sorrow should we have when we chop off trees or when animals die

I may not have a very particular reason why I wrote this but I hope you can draw a deeper lesson from it.


  1. Interesting perspective. I never thought of the fact that even plants were not dying before the fall of man. A nice article that forces me to reflect more on life.

    1. Very true, sometimes we forget about the little things around us. Thank you for reading through.


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